Since we had bailed on finding anything after midnight, and ended up in the RV park at Jersey City, Jeff had to run backwards through Newark. Even in the daylight, this was quite an adventure. As one of my friends from New York stated, Newark is like a third world country! I was quite nervous parking on the side of the road and waiting for Jeff to come along! But, we got through it, and even got a few pics. Nothing outstanding, really. One of the things that amazed me were the drug deals going on right on the sidewalk in full view. At least what I have seen in Dallas over the years, they at least try to be a bit sneaky about it. These folks were just counting out cash and making hand-offs with no concern for secrecy! Its probably a good thing that Jeff did not try to take a pic of this!
There were a number of really nice murals. |
And some nice looking churches that were a bit off
the road we were on. |
We passed Seton Hall University. |
This building was actually in Jersey City I think, near
our RV parking lot. |
Must be the hockey arena! |
Closer to the university, it was a bit different. You couldn't see most of the homes, either. |
Jeff found a Newark police officer to talk to. Apparently, they became aware of him and were sort of watching out for him as he ran through! Thanks, PD! We appreciate you!
The first highlight of the day was picking up my BFF Mickie Dye! She flew in just to spend a couple days with us! Since she flew into LaGuardia, she ended up taking public transportation into New Jersey so that I could pick her up at the Newark Penn Station. Sadly, we didn't even get a pic of her arriving or anything for the day!
Jeff did find some interesting things along his route, just as he always does. I have to disappoint the Mailbox of the Day fans, though. We saw nothing! So there isn't a Mailbox of the day today. Yesterday was awesome, though! Don't miss those.
I sure wish I could eat like Jeff and still lose weight! He has lost everything that he gained for this journey, and then some probably. Even with all the ice cream and other calories he has been eating.
This has been his mantra for the past week! |
Once Jeff was done running, we went back to our RV parking lot. I wish I had taken a pic of this place. It was right on the harbor looking out towards Liberty. But I call it a parking lot for a very good reason. This place was nothing but asphalt and the RVs were squeezed together quite close, all parked in a row just like a parking lot! It was right on the ferry across to the city, but we opted to take the Path into Manhattan.
It was really great, too. We had a sponsor that put us up in a great hotel in Manhattan. I tell you, I could get used to that! But, I will never have enough money to stay in places like this, and am not really too interested in being in a large city. But, we were overlooking Central Park, and also had a really nice dinner in the restaurant there.
Good job both of you. I met Jeff one morning in the little community of Richvalley, IN, just west of Wabash. Thank you for your blog and thank Jeff for his quest. He is an inspiration!