Yesterday started out in Mountain Home, and we took off to the east. We were still trying to figure out the correct route. I thought the route planned seemed to go way north of where we needed to go, so I was trying to save some time and effort. We ended up going up a dead end road, but thankfully I figured it out before we went very far.
Jeff was a bit irritated with me, I think. His route did not cross the Snake River, and mine did.... twice. I also had to go under a low bridge, but there was just enough clearance.

Just beyond this, was the Snake River. It is an amazing clear blue water! You just don't see rivers like these in Texas. And of course there is nothing clear about the Mississippi! I used to ski on the Mississippi.... I hated the muddy brown water.
Anyway, here are some views of the Snake.

There were plenty of trees for shade, and lots of grass for the dogs. I was even able to toss in a load of clothes! The biggest issue we had was we discovered that our A/C is not going to be adequate for the Midwest. In fact, it was inadequate for a town in Idaho, where the temp might have reached 85? We were both sweating like crazy just hoping for a breeze! Closed the windows and turned on the A/C..... yes, there was some air blowing out of the vents, but not nearly enough! This is going to get worse!
So, this morning, Jeff was up and out early. I think maybe because he wanted to make up some time. He also had to backtrack for about 2 miles. This is really frustrating to him! I got up a few minutes later and broke camp. Went through my entire routine, and still was on the road before 8! This is good. I hope I can keep that up.
The road ahead was pretty, and didn't change much the whole day. I expect it will look this way for a while!
Anyway, where we were heading, we didn't expect to find much. We did see some very interesting Jurassic Park kind of electrical fence or something. But it didn't enclose anything. We still don't know what it was!
But later, we came across this guy and wondered.....

We went through a little town called Bliss, where it was very easy to spot the town laundromat!
Jeff managed to make a couple of friends today, too. This fella was totally friendly!

And this guy in King Hill, at 93, was out pulling weeds, tumbleweeds, I think Jeff said. Jeff was totally impressed with him!
Now, we didn't have cell/internet last night in a town, at an RV park. But all day today, we had great 4G! Go figure.... then we find this on the top of a hill... Guess that answers that question!
Our goal for tonight was Don and Jan's house, just outside of Gooding. It was a pretty easy day, actually. I guess they are all pretty easy for me, although I am doing some miles now, even if just a couple. Anyway, Jan is Jeff's sisters husbands cousin.... They are really nice! They invited us to stay here. Turns out, they have an RV spot on their property! The house is amazing, and the grounds are like a park. Very green and lush, with a great little irrigation ditch that looks like a nice little gurgling creek, running right outside our bedroom window!

We sat and tried to figure out a better way into Colorado, after Jan made up some amazing Strawberry Shortcake!
So now it is time to sign off. Not sure what the internet situation will be for the next few days. Hopefully, I will be able to put something out there every day!
And in closing, the mailboxes for yesterday and today!

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