Of course, Jeff had crossed it an hour or so before me, as he left early in the morning. So that means that we have now logged our first 500 miles! Well, ok, so Jeff has logged the miles. I am just driving...
I didn't expect so much farming.... not sure why. But we have already seen much corn, which we didn't really expect until we got to the Midwest.

At one spot I sat in a wide spot, waiting for Jeff, for a long time. The wide spots are pretty hard to find on these roads, as they are farming every available square inch of space! I was sort of blocking the way into the irrigation controls, and this farmer pulled in behind me. He was nice enough to ask if I needed help. I told him no, of course, but I did ask him a question. The crop on that particular spot was really green, with little white flowers on the top. I couldn't figure out what it was! Duh..... potatoes. Some have purple flowers, and some white.

They are also farming wheat, cherries, ONIONS, and who knows what else. I can see why they put their John Deere's on a pedestal!
Jeff had a fairly easy day today, as the weather was very cool and he had that tail wind again. But the scenery was pretty much the same throughout. It was a busier highway than the past few days, also. He did manage to stop for his early ice cream sandwich!

He did manage to stop at a couple of fire stations today. This old fire engine was outside of a museum, though.
He also discovered that they give trophies here for water fights! That could get expensive at Dallas Fire!

And how many of these do you see around, particularly that are still in operation??
In addition to farming, there is a lot of history here. Some of it is pretty interesting.

We actually saw our first bear today.... Apparently this is Grizzly Country!

And this lady had some amazing looking roses! I almost stopped to go up to her front door to tell her that I really enjoyed them. People are so friendly here...
We are in Caldwell, ID, at the Caldwell Campground and RV Park. Tomorrow we have 2 appointments with some Boise news people! Getting the word out!
And, so I will close for today with Jeff's obligatory mailbox photos!
Welcome to Idaho!