Here we are on the side of the road, again. This time, we
even had to backtrack from where Jeff stopped running in order to find a
somewhat suitable place. Of course, we could go back to the state park we
stayed at last night, but it is miles back, and we need to continue forward.
And, the camp host made a big deal out of Pinkie not being leashed, even though
I told him she was blind and old. He didn't care. Pinkie has never been
leashed. Not sure how she would handle that. If his attitude had been better, I
might have gotten a leash to see how she would do. But he was a butt, so I
picked her up and left.
I am amazed at how resilient Jeff is. He is truly awesome!
He always has a smile on his face, and just keeps going and going and going! I
have been known to call him the Energizer Bunny.... he seems totally undaunted
by the number of miles he has to run, and the fact that it will be all summer,
every day, and he needs to ramp up the miles sometimes to get there. But he
gets up really early, gets ready, and heads out. And he always finds people to
talk to on the road here. We are in the middle of nowhere, on a country highway
that is not heavily traveled at all, and he finds people to talk to!

Today, a guy from a suburb of Boston dropped by to talk to
me. Seems he had already stopped and talked to Jeff about what we were doing,
and gave him a $20 bill. Then he came across me on the side or the road, and
pulled over to talk a bit. And he also wrote a check for $100 for our cause!
His dad was a firefighter, he was a retired firefighter, and his son is a
firefighter! He was really nice. I told him it was pretty weird, but I still
dreamed about going to work, or being given my old job back, or something along
those lines. He nodded, apparently having experienced the same thing. His name
was Thomas. If you are reading this Thomas, thanks for taking the time to stop
and chat, and certainly for the donation!
Our weather was cold and rainy yesterday, and quite windy
last night! I actually got out my jacket. Today is much better, sunny, a bit
windy, but cool, not cold. Hopefully we will have great weather on into Idaho.
I am getting really good at backing this Beast up, turning
around, and even getting in and out of tight spots. Surprisingly, there are
lots of wide spots in the road. I guess for truckers, although I've not seen
many of them here on this particular road. And some of the towns are just a
bunch of abandoned buildings. However, there is such beauty here in this state!
I know I have said that a number of times. But it is so true.
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