This morning, we left Vale. The scent of the cattle feed lot was wafting through the air. And it was fairly cool and breezy. I understand that it may hit close to 100 degrees here next week. I thought only Texas had weather that can change that quickly, but apparently not!
Jeff ran backwards to the spot that he finished yesterday. Unfortunately, that meant running into a cool headwind, instead of having the wind to his back. That may become a problem. I could always make myself get up earlier and leave with him. Hmmm.....

They have a mural society that organized all this. They are really quite remarkable! A real treasure.
Vale is a sleepy little town with a lot of commerce closed down in the downtown area. However, there is a lot of history here. The Oregon Trail, of course, came through here. I cannot imagine what life was like for those folks!

The road to the next town was tough, too. Not very many wide spots, but lots more traffic. And apparently this is the onion capital!
They also really revere their John Deer tractors! We saw several that had been put on a pedestal, and a couple of interesting mail boxes. Have I mentioned Jeff's love of taking pics of weird mail boxes? Well, here are a couple from today.

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