All in all, we, or rather, Jeff, did 3 interviews today. One was in studio, and I sat in on that one. But mostly, he was the star of the day.
This was the first young lady we met, from KBOI in Boise. She did a great job. You can find the interview on my Facebook page or on KBOI's website. If you hurry...don't know how long they leave those things active.
The second interview was in a studio at KIVI, the ABC affiliate here. Even though it was still raining, she braved the weather to go outside and get some footage of Jeff running. I don't know if that one will be posted but I will keep looking for it!

The third interview was KTVB, and he met us at the Idaho Fallen Firefighter Memorial. It was a great little memorial in a park right on the Boise River.
Zada photo-bombed the river pic! |
Here are some pics of the memorial, itself. They also have a piece of the Twin Towers here.

All in all, we had a very busy day! We went to Costco to stock up on water, and bought a few other things while there. We also visited a local running store. Sadly, the owner Holly, whom Jeff has been in contact with, was at home with a sick child. Jeff was really feeling tired and sleepy today, so after we got done with all the errands and interviews, he decided to take the rest of the afternoon and rest. So, we found a little RV park in Nampa that is near where I picked him up this morning. The Mason Creek RV Park. It amazes me how many RV parks in this part of the country are full of people that live here in their RV's. Sort of like a little trailer park....
We had some great grilled salmon that we got at Costco for dinner, along with some Idaho wine, also bought at Costco.
And now there is not a cloud in the sky! It is really a beautiful evening outside, cool, not too cold, not much wind, and just nothing but blue sky! Hope it holds like this for a while. I understand that they expect some very warm temps here next week. Since we have not had very good luck with the A/C unit in the coach, I am dreading hot weather! It is hard to sleep and sweat at the same time.... :)
I am not sure what type business this was, but I expect it shows that folks in Idaho love their guns as much as Texans!

And there are some very pretty rose bushes in Nampa, as well. Nampa is an interesting town. It must have been important to the military during WWII. There is a WWII airplane museum here, and several parks have old air craft.

Here are some interesting facts about Nampa..... quoted from their on-line history.
Nampa continued to grow and build, but had to rebuild a large part of the downtown after a devastating fire July 3, 1909. The entire downtown block between 12th and 13th Avenues and 1st and Front Streets, was destroyed when a fire cracker exploded in a wood frame cigar store.
Hmmmm.... hate it when that happens!
In 1946, Nampa was named “Main Street America”. In a campaign known as “Know Your Own Strength” sponsored by Pathfinder Magazine and Nampa Chamber of Commerce, Nampa set out to prove that it had the buying power and retail base to keep sales local. In one year’s time, Nampa ’s main street retailers increased their sales 121%.
Definitely looks like it could have been Main Street America! However, I found absolutely nothing regarding WWII, so I guess I was wrong. Someone just chose to put a WWII aviation museum here.
And, in closing I will give you Jeff's Mailbox of the Day!
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