We left the great little city park in Stockton this morning. Jeff got a bit of a later start as we discovered there was WIFI in the park! Wish we'd known that last night! Anyway, there were several things to take note of in Stockton. Although cute and somewhat interesting, this is not the titled interesting town! We'll get to that one shortly.
HS mascot. |
He's been cruising the town! |
Downtown. |
The other side of the street. |
The sign is in brick work. |
Apparently the train used to run through here. |
We both just love prairie houses with big front porches! |
These towns are pretty interesting in that there is a definite flow to them. You come towards town, and you begin to see more home. Then suddenly, you cross a barrier and you are "in town". There is usually one or two main streets, which might even be called Main Street. Then the outskirts have homes, a park, maybe even a fair ground. On the main drag are most of the businesses, but there will be homes as well. And there isn't much zoning to speak of. Then, suddenly, you are out of town. They are much more structured than you realize when you stop and think about it. We have passed through many such towns, but not all of them are as easily dissected.
After we left Stockton, we made our way through the countryside again. Sadly, it is beginning to heat up, although I think it is probably much less hot than their normal August! Hope it stays that way!
Check out this awesome fence! So cool and creative! |
That is a metal artistic covered wagon with little metal people behind it on top of the hillside. More Americana art! |
I loved the lone tree in the middle of the wheat field! |
Another lone tree, in the wheat behind the corn. Simple, but I really like this pic! There is so much creativity out there! For instance, take a look at this porch swing! I love porch swings.... maybe because both of my Grandma's had them.
It is almost exactly 30-32 miles between county seat towns. They are the larger towns, the ones that we have been staying in. However, along the way, there are numerous smaller towns, and some that are just towns in name only.
You see the grain elevator? That was the town. |
Alton was our interesting town for the day. |
We drove and walked the streets looking for a chocolate store! |
That is me driving the little gravel roads. |
I am hoping that the ladies is inside with plumbing.... |
Historic building. |
Historical information about the town. |
More info. |
Memorial Park. With a bronze elk! |
We actually really enjoyed wandering around Alton. Aside from the huge grain elevator, there wasn't much in operation. I did find the post office, and stuck a letter in the box. I hope they still pick up mail there!
And Jeff found something rather dated on the side of the road. I wonder if his next find will be an 8-track?
There was a carpet of these little pale pink flowers on one of the places we stopped. It was really pretty!
There are lots of historical markers out here, too. This particular one talks about Indian attacks.
And in the middle of Kansas, Jeff took a shameless selfie!
I guess the highlight of the day, though, was meeting Bill and being invited to dinner at his daughters house! We were just looking to find a place to park here in Osborne, and not sure we would find anything with hookups, when Bill pulled up. He offered us the use of his driveway, which had a 30 amp box. And then invited us to come and have burgers with his family. Of course, we went. They live on Main Street, just across from the big sandstone courthouse. It was very nice and hospitable of them! His grandkids were very excited to meet us, too. They were very smart and inquisitive!
The daughter's house. |
Bills house on the corner, with the driveway to sleep in! |
After dinner, we went down to Bill's house and enjoyed the front porch! |
Bills wife, Becky. |
No worries about the Mailbox of the Day today! Found some wonderful candidates!
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